Wyoming Naturalization records can be located at the Wyoming State Library, and the Wyoming State Archives.
The Laramie County Library has a Wyoming Naturalization Index for the years 1867 - 1920, located in the Genealogy room.
Wyoming is a federal-land state. Lands were generally acquired from the federal government or from other individuals. Several land offices were opened in Wyoming, the first having opened at Cheyenne in 1870. Records generated through these offices include cash entries, homestead certificates, canceled homestead entries, timber-culture final certificates, canceled timber-culture entries, desert-land final certificates, canceled desert-land entries, and timber and stone lands.
Lands transacted between individuals were recorded at the county level. All county land transactions from 1869 to 1970, as well as all unpatented homestead records, are available at the Wyoming State Archives. For information about land and property research in general, consult:
Laramie County Assessor's Office
309 West 20th Street
Suite 1100 Cheyenne, WY
Phone: (307) 633-4307
FAX: (307) 633-4474
Mailing address:
P.O. Box 307
Cheyenne, WY 82003-0307
An inventory of all Bureau of Land Management (BLM) records on file at the National Archives Rocky Mountain Region in Denver can be found in: Eileen Bolger, Preliminary Inventory of the Records of the Bureau of Land Management, Wyoming (Denver, Colo.: Federal Archives and Records Center, 1983). BLM possessions consist of the records of the six land offices and include land patents, rights, and claims. The BLM office in Cheyenne has records of the grantees of the original land patents. Their offices are at:
BLM Wyoming State Office
5353 Yellowstone
PO Box 1828
Cheyenne, WY 82003
Public Desk: 307.775.6256
Fax: 307.775.6082
You may also find the following website of interest:BLM General Land Office Records